Health Tips from a Mother of Three

Toddler Vision Problems: What Every Parent Must Look For

If your child doesn't seem like they are at the same level as other toddlers mentally or physically and they always seem distracted or uninterested, the problem could be their vision. About 10 percent of preschool aged children suffer from vision problems, and you won't know if that's the problem if you don't take your child in to get their vision tested.

You will want to see an optometrist to see if your child needs glasses, especially if you notice your child experiencing some of the following things.

No Interest in Shows or Movies

Does your child have a hard time sitting in front of the television to watch a show or a movie, or they don't grasp what is going on? This could mean they can't see the screen well. Do they constantly walk up to the television and sit very close to it to see? These are things you'll want to be concerned about and can indicate a vision problem.

Intellectual Delays

Does your child have a hard time recognizing shapes and letters, or are they having delays with other things like animals or colors? If so, the problem may not be your child's IQ or their competency. Instead, their inability to see the items properly could be causing the difficulty. The vision problem could be preventing your child from developing, and they may start to get behind academically. The child may also have color blindness they are dealing with, and they can't detect specific colors.

Poor Fine Motor Skills

As your child enters preschool, they should be able to catch or kick a ball, stack multiple blocks, touch body parts and more. If they aren't able to do these things and their fine motor skills aren't where they should be, tell your pediatrician and obstetrician about it. At first you may think there is a coordination problem, but you want to make sure it isn't something else.

Your child may be acting out, not behaving at school, or falling behind because they can't see as well as other children their age. Some preschoolers may need to wear glasses, while others may just need to do exercises with eyes to strengthen their vision. Take your child to an eye expert to get a full vision screening so the professional can see what's going on. The test in your pediatrician's office isn't as effective as optometrist or an ophthalmologist's office.
