3 Facts That You Should Know About Getting Pregnant With Clomid When You Are 35 Or Older
If you are healthy and 35 years of age or older and are trying to conceive, you should not worry unless you have been trying for more than six months, with no baby in sight. However, if you have been trying to conceive for that amount of time and have not yet gotten the positive results that you deserve, it is time to see your physician. It is important to note that even if you are healthy, in your 30s and 40s, your egg quality and the frequency with which you ovulate will typically start to go down. Therefore, it is not unusual to need medical assistance, like Clomid, to get pregnant and the following information will help you to make a decision doing so.
#1-Using Clomid Only Increases Your Chances of Getting Pregnant With Two Or More Babies By A Small Amount
One common concern when the doctor suggests a fertility drug for the first time is often the fear of conceiving twins, triplets or more. However, Clomid is a low-level fertility drug and as such, more than 9 out of 10 women that conceive using it will get pregnant with just one baby, 5-10% of women will conceive twins and only 0.5% of women can expect to need a triplet stroller. It works by making your ovaries develop eggs if you have been unable to ovulate consistently on your own.
#2-Miscarriage Rates Are The Same With Clomid As They Are For A Spontaneous Pregnancy
Unfortunately, the rate of miscarriage is thought to be roughly the same for women who get pregnant from using it and women who conceive spontaneously. Americanpregnancy.org has reported that miscarriages impact at least 20% of pregnant women between the ages of 35 and 45. Miscarriages are often the result of fetal abnormalities and problems like that are more common after 35.
#2-Clomid Should Only Be Taken For Six Months
It should be pointed out that although Clomid has helped many women to get pregnant, it is not a guarantee that you will successfully ovulate. In addition, many doctors who prescribe it require regular monitoring, as one side effect can be the development of ovarian cysts.
Therefore, you may be started at the lowest dose of 50 mg. for five days, early in your cycle for the first month. Your doctor will usually do blood work and ultrasounds to determine how well you are responding to the medication. If you do not ovulate on the lowest dose, it can be increased.
For more information, contact Pregnancy Care Center Of Wayne County Inc or a similar location.