Health Tips from a Mother of Three

Pregnancy Ultrasound Questions Addressed

If you have a pregnancy ultrasound scheduled, then you may be concerned about the imaging test itself, especially if you have never had one of the tests performed before. Many mothers have questions about the testing. If you are concerned about having these questions answered before the ultrasound is performed, then keep reading to learn about a few common questions and their answers.

Is The Ultrasound Harmful?

Ultrasounds are imaging tests that are completely safe for both you and your growing child. The tests involve a probe or transducer that is placed against the abdomen. The device releases sound waves that move into the abdominal cavity. Once the waves reach the fetus, they bounce back to the transducer. This helps to create an image on a monitor. 

The sound waves do not disturb your child in any way. They cannot be felt or heard by the fetus and you also will not notice any sensations when the testing is completed. While the test is considered completely safe, ultrasounds are completed on a limited basis.

About three ultrasounds are completed and they are scheduled at the beginning, middle, and end of the pregnancy. Images tests are shorter to start and are lengthened as the pregnancy progresses. This means your child will be subjected to fewer sound waves until they have grown significantly in size.

While about three ultrasounds are standard, you may be asked to have one or several more of the imaging tests. This is often the case if complications may arise with your pregnancy. If you are having twins or if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or a high BMI, then more tests may be completed.

Is Preparation Needed?

You may or may not have to prepare for the ultrasound treatment. In most cases, you will only need to drink a specific amount of water before the imaging test. Specifically, you may be asked to drink two or three glasses of water. The water helps to fill the bladder and push up on the abdomen. This makes it easier for the fetus to be found and examined during the imaging test. Also, a full bladder helps with the transmittance and the bouncing of sound waves. 

You will most often be asked to drink water during the first and second ultrasound appointments. A full bladder is not typically needed for the third appointment since the abdomen will be more pronounced. Also, it can be uncomfortable to sit through a lengthy ultrasound appointment without needing to use the restroom.

To learn more about all kinds of ultrasounds—including 3D and 4D ultrasound packages—contact your doctor, midwife, or gynocologist. 
