Dealing With PTSD After A Horrific Car Crash
Surviving a horrific car crash can be a traumatizing experience respective of the extent of the injuries. In fact, some accidents victims develop PTSD (post-traumatic disorder). The following measures should help you deal with accident-induced PTSD:
Psychotherapy is a treatment method that relies on psychological rather than medical means although it is often combined with medical treatments. Psychotherapy occurs in different ways, but most of them involve talking with the patient, which is why psychotherapy is also known as "talking therapy." There is compelling evidence that psychotherapy reduces the occurrence of PTSD among motor vehicle accident victims.
This treatment method involves invoking a patient's imagination to help them identify their mental problems and, hopefully, overcome or find a way to cope with the problems. Hypnotherapy works because it unlocks the patient's subconscious, which plays a huge role in accident victims' PTSD.
It is important to note that hypnotherapy is typically classified under complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Unfortunately, insurance companies do not view CAM on the same level as science-based/western medicine. As such, the insurance carriers may not be willing to compensate you reasonably if you have been treated with CAM. For this reason, it's advisable to get your doctor's referral before getting CAM treatment or compliment it with conventional western medicine; that will help strengthen your claim.
Although there are various therapeutic techniques that don't involve the use of drugs, medication is often part and parcel of PTSD treatment. The medication is often used in addition to other forms of therapy; here are some of the most common forms of PTSD medication:
- Anti-anxiety medication – Anxiety is a common symptom of PTSD; if you are suffering from PTSD, you may find yourself getting easily irritated by mundane things that others don't worry too much about. Anti-anxiety medication will help you deal with that.
- Antidepressants – Just like the name suggests, these drugs are prescribed to those whose PTSD has made them depressed.
- Insomnia medication – Many people find it difficult to fall asleep if they are traumatized; the lack of sleep may leave you irritated and even magnify your PTSD symptoms. Your doctor may prescribe insomnia medication to help you sleep well at night.
Hopefully, you will not have to struggle with your PTSD for long after your near death experience. Of course, this will only be the case if you get immediate and appropriate treatment. Consult a medical health professional, such as at Serenity Mental Health, as soon as possible.