Deciding Whether Interventional Injections Are Right For You
Hearing about what an interventional injections service provider can offer may have you wondering whether the technique is appropriate for use in your situation. The method can be applied in a number of cases where pain management for chronic disorders has proven to be challenging. Below, explore how and when interventional injections services practitioners are potentially able to assist patients.
Cervical Epidural Steroid Injections
Folks experiencing significant pain in their necks, shoulders, or arms have problems that can often be traced to nerves that are pinched or inflamed in the cervical region of the spine. This can lead to a marked decline in range of motion and grip strength, too. Issues like this can arise from arthritis, herniations of spinal discs, or compression.
The goal in these situations is to use a steroid injection in the affected area to relieve pain. The procedure is usually administered on an outpatient basis, and it takes about two days to a week for the steroids to begin working. People are advised to rest for at least one day following the injections.
Botox to Treat Migraines
Individuals who experience regular migraine pain may benefit from injections into their muscles. Problems can be tracked down to muscles in the head, shoulders, or neck. Bear in mind, this type of treatment may need to be repeated every few months.
Joint Fluid Therapy
This approach is most commonly used to treat knee pain and stiffness arising from osteoarthritis. Joint fluid therapy is intended to improve the amount of lubrication that exists in the knee. The net effect is to mitigate the worst symptoms of arthritis by giving the joint a bit more of a buffer in inflamed areas.
Sympathetic Nerve Pain Blocks
Many types of nerve pain are localized and involve complex interactions of nerves with other nerves and surrounding structures, particularly blood vessels. These types of symptoms are common in folks who have shingles, for example.
Celiac Plexus Blocks
The primary artery in the human abdomen, the aorta, is co-located with a bundle of nerves called the celiac plexus. Folks who are experiencing pancreatitis often also have chronic pain in this region, as do some cancer patients. In this case, pain medications are injected into the celiac plexus in order to quiet signals from the abdomen to the brain. Blocks administered for pain intervention purposes can be expected to last for a minimum of two months.
To learn more about these options, talk to a pain management professional, like Joel D Stein DO PA.