Health Medical

FAQs About Liposuction

Sometimes working out at the gym and jogging on a daily basis isn't enough to completely get rid of body fat. The problem can be stressful to deal with when there are only a few extra pounds to lose before the ideal weight is achieved. After trying to drop the extra weight proves to be unsuccessful for a long time, sometimes getting medical assistance to remove the fat is worth taking into consideration.

3 Tips To Prepare You And Your Child For Surgery

When you find out that your child is going to have to have surgery, your heart sinks. You are going to be anxious—probably more so than your child. However, your child is going to have fears of his or her own as well. One way to alleviate the anxiety of all involved is to educate and prepare yourself for what is going to happen. Here are a few tips to help get you through the process as smoothly as possible.

How Do You Know If You're A Good Candidate For A Non-Surgical Face Lift?

Maybe your face looks a little older than you prefer, or perhaps you have some signs of aging like wrinkles and skin that's just a bit droopy. If you find yourself self-conscious about the appearance of your face, you have probably spent some time looking into the facelift options that are available. When it comes to facelifts, there are two primary options: surgical or non-surgical. Of course, the surgical facelift is a lot more intense and a little intimidating, but the non-surgical options are much more appealing to most patients.

4 Tips For Preparing For Back Surgery

One thing you may need to do is have surgery on your back. If you suffer with extreme pain and struggle to move around with ease, this may be necessary for you to feel your best. The good news is there are many surgical procedures that can help your back and having one of these could be in your near future. Knowing specific tips that will enable you to prepare for this operation may be helpful to you.

Dealing With PTSD After A Horrific Car Crash

Surviving a horrific car crash can be a traumatizing experience respective of the extent of the injuries. In fact, some accidents victims develop PTSD (post-traumatic disorder). The following measures should help you deal with accident-induced PTSD: Psychotherapy Psychotherapy is a treatment method that relies on psychological rather than medical means although it is often combined with medical treatments. Psychotherapy occurs in different ways, but most of them involve talking with the patient, which is why psychotherapy is also known as "

3 Cool Neurological Imaging Facts You Should Know

Whether you have frequent headaches, visual issues, or other problems, there is a chance that your doctor will recommend that you get a brain MRI. This close-up view of what is going on inside of your cranial activity is also sometimes referred to is neurological imaging. Getting an MRI of your brain gives you an inner look at part of your body that you would otherwise not get to see, which is pretty cool in itself.

Overcoming The Dragon: What To Look For In An Inpatient Heroin Addiction Treatment Program

Addiction is often referred to as "chasing the dragon" because you are constantly on the search for something that could potentially kill you with your next encounter. If you have been chasing the heroin dragon for far too long, you know just how dangerous this life of addiction can be. In 2015, more than 30,000 people died from the use of opioid related drugs, which includes heroin. These alarming numbers prove just how important it is to step away from the constant chase of a drug that could take your life and instead seek treatment.

4 Ways to Protect Your Child's Health This School Year

One of the downsides of going back to school is that when your child is at school, they are around a lot of germs. If you want your child to get through the school year without getting sick, you need to be proactive about your child's health. Here are a few things you can do to protect your child's health this school year. #1 Get Your Child a Flu Shot

3 Tips For Preventing Weight Loss Related To Parkinson's Disease

If you suffer from a neurological issue like Parkinson's disease, one thing that you have to worry about is losing weight. Many people lose weight when they develop Parkinson's disease, but this can be a bad thing. These are a few tips that can help you prevent this from happening: 1. Talk to Your Doctor About Your Medication Some people find that the medication that they take for their Parkinson's disease causes them to feel nauseous.

Protect Yourself: What To Do If You're Planning On Being Sexually Active

Do you feel like you're ready to have a sexual relationship? If you're thinking about sharing these kinds of intimate moments with your partner, make sure that you educate yourself on sexually transmitted diseases and the different types of contraceptives you can use to protect yourself. Research Information on Sexually Transmitted Diseases Did you know that there are a lot of myths about sexually transmitted diseases? Unfortunately, these myths are spread around so often that people tend to believe them.