Health Tips from a Mother of Three

Improve Postpartum Recovery With Placenta Encapsulation

When women become pregnant, many people offer baby advice. From the best baby gear to relieving gas, everyone has an opinion about what is best for her baby. Unfortunately, while advice about the baby is abundant, advice about postpartum recovery is few and far between. Many women struggle with postpartum depression, decreased milk supply, and many other issues after having a baby. Placenta encapsulation can solve many of these problems, and not enough women are aware of it.

What is placenta encapsulation?

Placenta encapsulation is a process in which the placenta is encapsulated into pills for the mother to take on a daily basis. The placenta is encapsulated by steaming it, dehydrating it, blending it into powder, then put into capsules. The first reaction from most people is that it is disgusting. The thought of consuming one's own placenta is not pleasant. However, placenta consumption is completely natural for mammals, and provides many benefits.

Why should my placenta be consumed?

Eating your placenta has many health benefits when it comes to postpartum recovery. Encapsulating it is the chosen method by many since it is easier to consume. The big question is, "how does this work?" Just like anything else, it is because of the contents of the placenta. Your placenta contains many of your natural hormones including:

Oxytoxin—reduces pain and promotes bonding to your baby.

Cortisone—reduces stress and increases energy.

Interferon—protects against infections and increases immune system.

Hemoglobin—replenishes iron, reducing chances of postpartum anemia.

Prolactin—increases milk supply.

Can encapsulating my placenta cure PPD?

 The mother's hormones tend to be imbalanced for weeks, and even months after having a baby. For nearly 20% of women, this results in postpartum depression (PPD). Postpartum depression can range in severity and symptoms. While some women may have minor blues, other women may wish they never had a baby at all. Feeling depressed and anxious are common symptoms of PPD.

It is impossible to tell if you will suffer from PPD until it happens. However, women with a history of clinical depression are more susceptible. Although exact statistics are up for debate, women everywhere are reporting that their PPD symptoms have reduced or even completely vanished after taking their placenta capsules.

How can I have my placenta encapsulated?

If you are giving birth at a hospital or women's center, speak to the staff ahead of time about signing a placenta release form. The best thing to do would be to find a local doula experienced in placenta encapsulation to encapsulate it for a fee.

Having your placenta encapsulated can save you heartache caused by PPD, trouble with milk supply, and illness from a lowered immune system after giving birth. Simply taking the pills can leave you feeling happy and energized after giving birth. For more information, talk to companies like Women's Clinic of Johnson County.
