3 Signs Of ADHD In Your Child
Every child loses focus from time to time. Every child acts out from time to time, and every child is different and unique in their own way. Not every child that loses focus or has a difficult time in school is classified as having ADHD. It takes a medical evaluation to confirm a diagnosis of ADHD, and it is usually a child's teacher that first will notice the signs of ADHD in a child. If you aren't sure of the signs, read on for a few that may indicate an issue with ADHD and what can be done to treat this mental condition.
1. Difficult Focusing
Everyone can have a difficult time focusing at one time or another, but when it is all of the time, it may be a problem. A difficult time focusing can distract you in every aspect of life, not just in one aspect, but in everything that you do. If your child has a difficult time focusing at school, for example, they may not be able to complete homework or tests in a timely manner because they are getting too distracted and aren't focused on the one task they are supposed to be completing. This can result in poor grades and affect overall self-esteem as well.
2. Constant Interrupting
If your child is always interrupting, after being told over and over again not to interrupt, it may be something in their brains telling them that they need to tell you something right then. Patience is not something they are capable of possessing and they must interrupt. They may have a hard time with waiting in general, as the need to always be talking takes over their minds and bodies.
3. Always Fidgeting Or Moving
A child with ADHD may always be fidgeting or moving. This is because their minds are always on the go, and their bodies usually follow. They may have a tendency to be up and moving around, not able to sit through an entire movie, or not able to sit throughout class without the need to move around. If you notice this in your child, there's a chance that it could be ADHD.
If you notice these signs, or you have noticed other signs that may point to ADHD, talk to your child's physician about having a physical exam done to determine whether or not your child has ADHD. A confirmed diagnosis is needed for treatment. ADHD is usually treated with medication and sometimes with therapy as well. Changing and adjusting routines can also be helpful, as well as giving your child time to do things that need to be completed. Children with ADHD learn just a bit differently than others and you need to have some patience with your child as they, too, navigate through this diagnosis and condition.
For more information on an ADHD evaluation, contact a professional near you.