Don't Let Running Kill Your Joints

Running is an excellent form of exercise. Running can help you burn calories and keep your heart healthy, making you feel better all around. However, if you aren't taking the right precautions, running can also do a number on the joints in your knees. Joint damage can cause discomfort, mobility issues and may even require surgery to correct. Learning how to protect yourself is important: Follow A Healthy Diet What you eat can also serve as a form of protection for your joints. [Read More]

Is It Appropriate To Give Holiday Gifts To Private Nursing Agency Workers?

The holiday season is thought of as a time for giving. It's a time when people want to do something to thank those who help them throughout the year. Nurses, home health aides, and personal caregivers who work for private nursing agencies are no exception. But knowing what is considered the proper etiquette for holiday tipping and gift giving isn't always clear. Ask the Agency When you're not sure whether it's okay to give a home health care worker a gift, contact the nursing agency and ask about the organization's policy relating to employees accepting gifts and gratuities. [Read More]

3 Tips For Taking A Child To The Emergency Room

Going to the emergency room is scary for anyone, but it's especially frightening for children. They may not understand what's going on. They're also likely in pain or incredibly ill, which can make them extremely irritable and upset. Although you can't cure their medical issue, you can make the trip easier on everyone. A couple minutes of planning can go a long way towards calming their nerves and speeding the process. [Read More]

Toddler Vision Problems: What Every Parent Must Look For

If your child doesn't seem like they are at the same level as other toddlers mentally or physically and they always seem distracted or uninterested, the problem could be their vision. About 10 percent of preschool aged children suffer from vision problems, and you won't know if that's the problem if you don't take your child in to get their vision tested. You will want to see an optometrist to see if your child needs glasses, especially if you notice your child experiencing some of the following things. [Read More]