Three Healthy Things That Can Make You Sneeze

When people sneeze, they automatically connect their reaction to allergies, the common cold, or other nasal irritants. It's true that these are some of the common causes of sneezing, but they aren't the only ones. In fact, even some healthy things can make you sneeze; here are three examples of such things: Sexual Arousal It's a fact that sex has several health benefits. As strange as it may seem, however, sexual arousal can trigger sneezes in some people. [Read More]

Parkinson's Disease And Your Skin

Parkinson's disease isn't just a movement disorder. The disease can cause numerous other symptoms, including skin problems related to the loss of dopamine – a neurotransmitter that plays a role in how muscles and nerves affect the body's movement. But too little or too much dopamine, whether through natural dopamine production or given through medication, can have adverse effects on the skin. Therefore, if you have Parkinson's disease, it's important to be aware of the common skin problems that can occur and how a dermatologist can treat them. [Read More]

Tooth Removal: When Is It Necessary And How Is It Done?

Tooth removal is a very common procedure, and there are several reasons why it may may be done. The idea of having a tooth 'pulled' may not be a very pleasant idea for most people, but in many cases, it is a necessary procedure. Tooth removal can help alleviate pain and reduce risk of infection. Why Might Tooth Removal be Necessary? Decay and Infection Food and drink that are high in sugar can damage your teeth. [Read More]

Help! I've Selected The Wrong Medicare Supplement Plan

All Medicare supplement plans are not created equal. Consequently, it's quite easy to select a plan that isn't suited to meet your needs without the right advice. Since these plans generally come with a set open enrollment period, having the wrong plan can leave a person in a state of panic. Don't fret. While you may have to wait until the next open enrollment period before you can change your plan, there might be a way around any struggles you're facing. [Read More]