Deciding Whether Interventional Injections Are Right For You

Hearing about what an interventional injections service provider can offer may have you wondering whether the technique is appropriate for use in your situation. The method can be applied in a number of cases where pain management for chronic disorders has proven to be challenging. Below, explore how and when interventional injections services practitioners are potentially able to assist patients. Cervical Epidural Steroid Injections Folks experiencing significant pain in their necks, shoulders, or arms have problems that can often be traced to nerves that are pinched or inflamed in the cervical region of the spine. [Read More]

How To Protect Yourself When Camping If You're Allergic To Bee Stings

Going camping might have a lot of perks, but one thing that many people do not look forward to is dealing with all of the bugs. If you have a bee sting allergy, though, you might be even more concerned about the presence of insects than many other campers. Of course, just because you're allergic to bee stings does not mean that you cannot go camping and enjoy yourself, but it does, of course, mean that you have to be careful. [Read More]

It's Never Too Early To Get 3D Mammograms If You Have A Family Cancer History

Breast cancer is a problem that often affects many women in a family. That's because it is often connected to various genetic factors that are hard to predict and manage. So if you are getting close to 40 and are worried about developing this disease because of family history, consider a 3D mammogram as soon as possible to avoid a serious danger. Breast Cancer Is Treated Most Effectively When Caught Early [Read More]

Cruel To Be Kind? The Pros And Cons Of Acupressure Mats

A popular item on gag and variety shows, acupressure mats are those spiny, death-machine-looking items that are sold in sports equipment stores but seem like they would do your body much more harm than good. However, these mats also come with glowing testimonials and promises of increased health and wellness — so who should you listen to? If you're always up for a new product or two to really help your body out but are feeling a little bit squeamish about actually investing in (and using) an acupressure mat, then here is a list of the pros and cons of acupressure mats. [Read More]