While it may seem like it would be obvious when you lose your hearing and are in need of help from hearing aids, this isn't always the case. It is more common that the hearing loss occurs gradually so that you don't notice it until someone mentions it or that the hearing loss gets so bad it is hard to ignore. Here are some things to know about hearing loss and when it may be time to get a hearing test.
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Baby, It's Cold Outside: 4 Tips To Help Keep The Kids Safe And Healthy
Old Man Winter is here. The temperatures have turned cold, the winds are blowing, and the snow is coming (if it hasn't already arrived). Before long, there will be snowballs to be made and thrown, hills to slide down, and snowmen to build. However, at the same time, these activities also mean that your kids will be spending a lot of time outdoors in the cold, chilly weather where they can get injured and sick.
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Debunking The Biggest Misguided Assumptions About Home Healthcare
Whether you have a loved one who needs help with their personal healthcare or you personally need assistance, having access to home healthcare can be an incredible advantage. However, there are a lot of misconceptions about this area of medical care. Here is a quick look at a few of the biggest misguided assumptions people tend to have about home healthcare in general and the actual truth you should know.
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Two Reasons To Follow-Up With An Orthopedic Specialist After You Have A Splint Done In The Emergency Room
When you think you've broken one of your bones, the first place you might go is the local emergency room to have it seen by a doctor. While the doctors in the ER can X-Ray the area to determine if the bone is indeed broken and provide initial assistance, their attempt to splint the bone may not be done properly. Here are a couple of reasons to follow-up with an orthopedic specialist and ensure that you can heal properly.
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