3 Conditions A Colonoscopy Can Detect Or Assist With

After you turn fifty, it is highly recommended that you receive a colonoscopy. During a colonoscopy, a doctor uses a thin, narrow tube with a light and camera attached to examine the intestines--particularly the colon and rectum, to look for symptoms of potential illnesses, as well as potential causes for unexplained symptoms. You might be nervous about receiving a colonoscopy, especially if you have never had one before, but the procedure is very important for detecting serious diseases. [Read More]

Three Dangerous Effects of a Western Diet

Although the "Western" diet is so named because it is common in the Western countries, it is fast gaining popularity in other regions, too. It is characterized by a high intake of high-fat foods, refined grains, red meat, and sugary desserts. These foods may be yummy and tasty, but they aren't good for your health. Here are three examples of what these foods may do to your health: Destroying Good Bacteria [Read More]

Tips For Success With Your Child's Elimination Diet

The number of kids with food allergies seems to be increasing every year. Statistics show that food allergies affect nearly ten percent of kids. If you have any reason to believe that your child might have a food allergy, your pediatrician can help you test for and identify it. In some cases, a pediatric allergist may suggest starting with an elimination diet to narrow down the source of the problem. Here are some suggestions to ease the elimination diet process. [Read More]

Alleviating Your Child's Fear Of The Doctor

If your child has displayed fear about seeing a new pediatrician, you will want to do whatever possible to minimize their anxiety so they are able to continue with positive health practices as they grow. Fear of going to the doctor can be alleviated by taking a few steps in the way you handle routine visits with your child. Here are some tips to try when bringing your child to a new doctor in an attempt to make the overall experience one they will enjoy. [Read More]