Not Again: 3 Ways To Alleviate Recurring Neck Pain

If you experience neck pain on a daily basis, it might be due to the fact that your head weighs about 10 lbs. That's a lot of weight for your neck to carry day-after-day. While there isn't anything you can do about the weight of your head, there are some things you can do to alleviate the pain you experience. The first thing you should do is see your doctor to ensure you don't have any underlying medical conditions that are causing the pain. [Read More]

Do Your Feet Sweat A Lot? A Look At The Consequences And How To Prevent Them

Some people naturally have sweatier feet than others. Unfortunately, if you're one of those people whose feet always seem to be moist, you'll be prone to a few consequences, including an increased risk of blisters and athlete's foot. To protect your feet from these annoying ailments, follow these tips: Wear open shoes whenever possible. Not only are your feet likely to sweat more in closed shoes, but the shoes will absorb the sweat. [Read More]

3 Rarely-Discussed Complications Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Since rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is regarded as a type of inflammatory arthritis that primarily affects the small joints, many other symptoms can be overlooked or thought to be a comorbid condition. The quicker new symptoms are identified and linked with RA, the better your treatment outcome. Voice Changes You may seem to have laryngitis frequently or notice other changes in your voice, such as deepening or hoarseness. When simple explanations, such as a viral infection, can be ruled out you may want to consider that RA is a contributing factor. [Read More]

Is Shunt Surgery Right For Your Glaucoma Diagnosis?

Thanks to advancements in medical technology, treatments for glaucoma have become more effective. One of these treatments is shunt surgery. Shunt surgery is a procedure that involves the placement of a tube in the eye. On the end of the tube is a drainage pouch. Upon insertion into the affected eye, excess fluid is extracted through the tube, helping minimize pressure and the symptoms of the disease. It's a good idea to consider whether shunt surgery is right for you. [Read More]