3 Facts That You Should Know About Getting Pregnant With Clomid When You Are 35 Or Older

If you are healthy and 35 years of age or older and are trying to conceive, you should not worry unless you have been trying for more than six months,  with no baby in sight. However, if you have been trying to conceive for that amount of time and have not yet gotten the positive results that you deserve, it is time to see your physician. It is important to note that even if you are healthy, in your 30s and 40s, your egg quality and the frequency with which you ovulate will typically start to go down. [Read More]

The 411 On Recovering From A Knee Replacement Surgery

From a sports-related injury or an automobile accident to a painful case of osteoarthritis, knee replacement surgeries are effective options for repairing damage to the knee. Not only will the procedure reduce pain and discomfort, but it will also improve your lost mobility. If you are part of the 600,000 patients who will undergo a knee replacement surgery each year in the United States, preparing yourself for recovery is smart. Using this guide, you will understand the proper techniques to ensure your knee replacement is a success. [Read More]

Not Again: 3 Ways To Alleviate Recurring Neck Pain

If you experience neck pain on a daily basis, it might be due to the fact that your head weighs about 10 lbs. That's a lot of weight for your neck to carry day-after-day. While there isn't anything you can do about the weight of your head, there are some things you can do to alleviate the pain you experience. The first thing you should do is see your doctor to ensure you don't have any underlying medical conditions that are causing the pain. [Read More]

Do Your Feet Sweat A Lot? A Look At The Consequences And How To Prevent Them

Some people naturally have sweatier feet than others. Unfortunately, if you're one of those people whose feet always seem to be moist, you'll be prone to a few consequences, including an increased risk of blisters and athlete's foot. To protect your feet from these annoying ailments, follow these tips: Wear open shoes whenever possible. Not only are your feet likely to sweat more in closed shoes, but the shoes will absorb the sweat. [Read More]